How do we sign up for weekly events?
Click on Signup tab and then click on the event date that you wish to sign up for. Fill out the required information on the form and hit the Submit button. You may view the event you signed up for by clicking on the date VIEW SIGNUPS under the signup date
How do we sign up for ‘Pick Your Couple’ events (PYC)?
The process is basically the same except only one member of the foursome signs up for all four of you. The person that signs up the foursome must forward the confirmation email to the second couple. You may view all the couples in the league by entering a password to view the Membership Roster.
What if we do not have another couple to partner with?
Simply put an X in the PYC field and click We Need A Couple and we will pair you up.
When we sign up for Couples events, do we have to sign up for a tee time on the POA site also?
No, our Pairings Coordinator will process all of the sign-ups for the weekly events and will take care of making your tee time each week. The pairings will be posted on the website on Tuesday prior to each play day on Sunday. On Sunday, you will simply check in and pay as you normally do at the Pro Shop. Pick up your scorecards on a table provided close to where you check in at the Pro Shop.
How far in advance can we sign up for events?
The sign-up period for each event lasts 2 weeks and closes on Sunday night, one week prior to the event.
What scorecards do we use?
Scorecards are printed by the Pairings Chair and brought to the Pro Shop where you can pick yours up. For foursome events there are two cards available so each couple can keep the scores. For twosome events two cards are available to exchange with the couple you are paired with. Only the official hard copy should be signed and turned in at the Pro Shop or restaurant.
When are Pairings posted to the website?
Pairings will be posted by Tuesday prior to each play day on Sunday.
When are Results posted to the website?
Results will be posted by Sunday evening. Posting will only be delayed if there are questions about scores and we have to contact the scorer/marker.
How do we cancel if we signed up but now we cannot play?
If the sign-up page is still open you may click on We Have to Cancel and fill out the form.
If you absolutely have to cancel after the Pairings have been posted, please call the Pairings Chairman listed for that date as soon as possible. Please do NOT cancel through Northstar or through the Pro Shop. On the day of play call the Pro Shop to cancel and also the Pairings Chair who is listed on the pairings sheet.
NOTE: Please check your schedule before you sign up, as it is very hard to rearrange the teams and keep the flights/teams even when a couple drops out and we have to insert another team.
Is there a standing rule that addresses playing out of bunkers?
Yes. If your ball lands in a bunker, you may rake and place within a grip length from your ball within all bunkers.
What happens when the weather is bad on a play day?
A decision will be made by 8:00 AM to play or not and emails will be sent out by 8:30 AM.
Which tees do we play from?
Men play from the white, silver/white, silver or gold tees and women play from the gold or orange tees (depending on their index). Ladies play from the orange tees in scrambles. Men should choose the tees they will play from according to their index and the tees they play from in the MGA, 0 - 10.9 from the white tees, 11 - 15.9 from the silver/white, 16 - 29.9 from the silver tees and 30 - 31.0 from the gold tees. Men with a higher indexes then listed may choose to play from the white tees if they wish. (As a rule of thumb you can multiply your 5 iron yardage by 36, and that is the yardage you should play from). Ladies will play from the gold tees from 0 - 24 index and may select the orange tees with an index from 24 - 30.5 (if the course has been rated from the orange tees).
When playing at Granada, ladies will play from the original Forward tees on hole #12.
What do we do if we have a question about rules?
Although we can "play the ball up", we do abide by the USGA Rules of play. Please familiarize yourself with the rules ahead of time and carry a rules book with you. If you have a question about any rule, ask your playing partners and if you cannot agree, play 2 balls on that hole and record both scores, then ask for an official ruling when you are finished. One of our Board members is always available and can contact someone to provide an official ruling if necessary.
What about Pace of Play?
We are all responsible to keep up the Pace of Play. Play READY golf and be READY to play without delay. We provide each group with the finish times for each hole on your scorecards based on your starting time. Please do your best to keep up with those times. If you do drop behind on a hole, please make every effort to catch up as soon as possible. If you do not close the gap after two or three holes, the Marshal will be instructed to enforce our Pace of Play rules. Please refer to them on our website under the CGL/Local Rules link or on the back of your scorecard.
Please “pick-up” if you are out of a hole to help speed play when it is appropriate.
Do we have to post our own scores to GHIN or is that done by the CGL?
Whenever we play events where we play our own ball, our Handicap Chairman will be responsible for posting our scores. Remember to adjust your score at the end of your round using the USGA’s procedures. Click here for details. You should also post all your adjusted scores when playing at other times when you play your own ball.
Can you tell us more about keeping scores in Couples?
The following tips on score keeping will help us avoid potential issues as a result of contestants signing incorrect scorecards and to keep Couples Golf fair and fun for everyone.
In two-person Couple events, couples trade the official scorecards and each couple is responsible to keep their competitors score. Each couple should also keep their own score either on a separate scorecard or in a free space on their competitors card
In four-person team events, each couple should keep both team’s scores even though there is only one official scorecard for the event.
When finishing each hole, it is best to audibly confirm your score as well as well as the score of the couple you are playing with so you can better resolve any discrepancy while the shots from that hole are “fresh” in everyone’s mind.
After completing the front nine, it is best to do a hole-by-hole as well as a total front nine score confirmation for each team. Do the same hole-by-hole and total comparisons for the back nine.
When playing a "best ball" event, keep both the gross and net scores for each player and be sure to circle the scores that you used for your Team score.
Scorecards must be signed by the marker and one member from the other couple. Also enter your finish time on the scorecard.
Scorecards are collected in box that will be left at the Pro Shop or Restaurant each week.
Hole-In-One Club
We have an option to join the Couples HIO Club for $5.00 a year when you fill out your application. You or your partner must have a HIO in a Couples event on a Sunday from regular tees for men and women. If no one has a HIO during the season a number will be drawn at the end of year Social/Awards/Dinner to give away the money from the HIO Club.
How does the league use the funds from Membership fees?
We have nominal expenses each year including the fees we pay to the software company that hosts our website, printing supplies, and other minor expenses. Historically, approximately 95% is returned to our members to pay the winners of weekly events. The top 50% of each flight is awarded points depending on 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, etc. Beginning with the 2012 season, we also award ½ point to each couple that participates in each event. At the end of the year, we determine the value of every point based on how many were awarded, and equate it to a cash value issued on your POA I.D. card under Merchandize. Every player wins back a share of what they paid, just for participating, and more for events where they placed!
What if my partner cannot continue to play during the year? If your partner cannot continue playing during the year you may get another partner, but you cannot go back and play with the original partner that year. The "new" team will pay 1/2 membership dues. If your partner is out for a short period of time you may use a sub from within Couples, if another couple also has a partner out (from the opposite sex).